Stress... free or ful?

I am a worrier. I often repeat Jesus' words in Matthew 6:34, "Therefore, stop worrying about tomorrow, because tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own."

There are times in our lives when life is hard. Our stress level is high, and the normal things that we do to help us to take care of ourselves physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually get pushed to the back burner.

We’re going to kick off our new series, “Stress… free or ful” this Sunday, talking about worrying and when life is hard. Then, we’ll spend the Sundays in June looking at spiritual practices that increase our well-being. The goal is to create a lifestyle that integrates spirituality and wellness.

Psychological research has shown the practices of meditation, awe, forgiveness, compassion, and gratitude provide practical ways to increase well-being. Yes, we can practice meditation, awe, forgiveness, compassion, and gratitude individually, but research shows they have more impact when practiced in a community. There is a Quaker saying that we each bring a light, but when we come together, that light shines brighter.

I look forward to shining brighter with you!

Blessed to be in ministry with you,

Rev. Kerry Smith

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