
by Rev. Kerry Smith

I love Communion. I love the imagery of a wider table, always with room for more. I love the idea of eating together, and the idea that God gives us the sustenance we need.

About five years ago I officiated at a wedding with Rev. Laura Merrill. Laura had been the bride's pastor when she was growing up and she wanted Laura to do "her communion." It was beautiful and I could feel the presence of the Holy Spirit. It was a sung communion that lifted everyone's spirits.

Last November Rev. Laura Merrill was elected Bishop, and she now serves as the United Methodist Bishop in the Arkansas Conference. They had their Annual Conference last week and many friends were sharing the video of this beautifully sung communion.  It was the same way that Laura had done at the wedding!

I wrote down the words and was blessed to share it with White Rock United Methodist Church this past Sunday, July 2. With thanks to Bishop Laura Merrill, I wanted to share the words with you. Sung to the tune of UMH #593 Here I Am, Lord.
God be with you in all love, lift your hearts to God above. It is right and good to give our thanks and praise. Holy, holy, holy Lord. God of power, God of love. Sing Hosanna, Christ has come in God’s own name.

People needing, Spirit leading, Jesus feeding all who come to him.
Bread for tending, cup for mending, Spirit sending us to serve the world.

On the night his life was giv’n, Jesus took the bread of heav’n. Thanking God, he broke it all. Remember me. Then he took the common cup, new forgiveness lifting up. Thanking God, he gave to all. Remember me.

People needing, Spirit leading, Jesus feeding all who come to him.
Bread for tending, cup for mending, Spirit sending us to serve the world.

We remember God in Christ, holy living sacrifice. So like him, in thanks and praise ourselves we give. We embrace his mystery, how he died and set us free. As he rose, he’ll come again. In Christ we live.

People needing, Spirit leading, Jesus feeding all who come to him.
Bread for tending, cup for mending, Spirit sending us to serve the world.

On these gifts of wine and bread, and your people in this place. Pour your Spirit, gift divine giving us Christ. By the Spirit, make us one. One in Christ to serve the world. That on earth your will be done till Christ shall come.

People needing, Spirit leading, Jesus feeding all who come to him.
Bread for tending, cup for mending, Spirit sending us to serve the world.

(half-stanza) Now to you, all-loving God, Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Be all glory, thanks and praise, forevermore.

People needing, Spirit leading, Jesus feeding all who come to him.
Bread for tending, cup for mending, Spirit sending us to serve the world.



Betty Rice-Nurre - July 6th, 2023 at 7:37pm

Kerry, I loved the Communion Song that we did on Communion Sunday. Hope we will do it again in the future!

Lorna - July 6th, 2023 at 9:07pm

The service last Sunday was incredible. You know how important the act of communion is to me. It is the essence of our time together. You made it so very special. I truly felt God in that place. Thank you for sharing your love for the Lord with us

Shelly Goodwyn - July 7th, 2023 at 9:01am

I, too enjoyed the change from the norm. The usual words are so familiar. The music really held my attention. Thank you!



