The Smiths Go to Church

The Smiths Go to Church

By Rev. Kerry Smith

My children are PKs. Preacher kids do not have the best reputation, so I asked one of my professors in seminary for his advice about raising children. He told me, “The Jones go to church.” He explained that there were certain things that their family did do and did not do. The Jones did not purchase soft drinks before lunchtime (or at least the parents would not give their children money to buy soft drinks before lunchtime). The Jones have a family night once a week. Dr. Jones said his children, at the age of 4, began playing basic charades during their family night. He laughed as he shared with me about his children acting out the movie “The Color Purple.”

So, as Lee and I have raised our children, it has been our motto that the Smiths go to church. I have a relative who would tell me that she would wait until her children were older to take them to church. Her children are now a sophomore and a senior in high school, and I guess they are still not old enough to attend church because they do not attend.
Growing up, the church was an oasis for me, a place where people loved me, and I received countless hugs. I want children to feel like the church is a little slice of heaven here on earth. And I want my children to learn about Jesus, so the Smiths go to Sunday School too.
A friend once told me that I was indoctrinating my children by teaching them about Jesus. I told them that as a parent, I was indoctrinating my children about everything! The Smiths go to church. Do you?

Sunday Sunday for all ages is from 9:30-10:30 a.m. at White Rock UMC
Worship is at 10:50 a.m. 
We kicked off Confirmation this week for youth in 8th grade and up. We would love for your youth to attend; contact Sammy Waters,, for more information.
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