The Owenwood Farm and Neighbor Space is a collective of nonprofits and do-gooders who are organizing around the talents, skills, and passions of those who live in Far East Dallas. The old church space (formerly Owenwood United Methodist Church), is a Senior Center, houses after-school programs, provides early childhood development, ESL, GED, and entrepreneurship classes. Partners like Diapers Etc, and Hope Supply Co are already hard at work and have distributed over 100,000 diapers and hygiene supplies into the surrounding neighborhoods. Grow North Texas has an urban farm that brings fresh produce to the neighborhood to alleviate food insecurity in our community.
Many neighborhood events, including community theatre, concerts, movie nights, and potlucks are hosted at Owenwood and there are plans to grow these programs in the future. White Rock Community Church, which worships on Sunday mornings, also conducts an outreach program at this site through White Rock Friends. We believe that when folks eat, cook, work, converse, play, sing, worship, and serve together we can change the world!
Many neighborhood events, including community theatre, concerts, movie nights, and potlucks are hosted at Owenwood and there are plans to grow these programs in the future. White Rock Community Church, which worships on Sunday mornings, also conducts an outreach program at this site through White Rock Friends. We believe that when folks eat, cook, work, converse, play, sing, worship, and serve together we can change the world!
The Julian Way focuses on education and empowerment with, for, and by, persons of diverse embodiments. We seek to help places of faith, and other cultural institutions, achieve greater universal accessibility, by fostering environments where persons of all embodiments can work for leadership and equity throughout the whole of human life together.
White Rock UMC and The Julian Way are covenant partners. This covenant includes WRUMC actively praying for the ministry of Rev. Justin Hancock and The Julian Way, being open and willing to learn from Justin about the need for universal accessibility and financially supporting The Julian Way.
WRUMC’s financial commitment is $2,500 yearly. For the ways that Justin and his ministry have already blessed our community, we give thanks to God. May we have the boldness to keep growing and adapting to the diverse Body of Christ.
White Rock UMC and The Julian Way are covenant partners. This covenant includes WRUMC actively praying for the ministry of Rev. Justin Hancock and The Julian Way, being open and willing to learn from Justin about the need for universal accessibility and financially supporting The Julian Way.
WRUMC’s financial commitment is $2,500 yearly. For the ways that Justin and his ministry have already blessed our community, we give thanks to God. May we have the boldness to keep growing and adapting to the diverse Body of Christ.

The White Rock Garden of Hope at WRUMC is an opportunity to put our love into action as we grow food for the hungry. We remember the words of Jesus when he says, "for I was hungry and you gave me food" in Matthew 25:,35. We welcome volunteers!