I was thirsty...

"I was thirsty."

By Randy Austin, church member of White Rock UMC

It was 106 degrees, a typical August afternoon.  I had gone to pick up dinner from a local diner a few blocks from our home. I drove past two men and a woman standing in the median all holding signs with their various stories asking for money, help food, employment…I didn’t make eye contact.  I pulled into the parking lot of the restaurant and parked under the only shade tree.  When I looked up I saw one of the men hold up his sign and look directly at me. It said “PLEASE SMILE”.  For the next 10 minutes I sat in my truck and cried like a baby.

People in my own neighborhood are literally dying from the heat and from dehydration and I’m too embarrassed to even look at them. What can I do NOW!?

I immediately drove to the store and bought a case of water and began handing it out to everyone and anyone. Not just the people begging on the street corner but to the mailman, the UPS driver, the yard man, the roofers…you get the idea. Amazing things began to happen. That’s another story. I realized I couldn’t do this by myself so I went to Rev. Kerry and we decided to form a Water Ministry which also doubles as an evangelism ministry.

We now have 1,000 bottles of White Rock Branded water bottles for YOU to give to those that are thirsty and in need. What a simple and wonderful way to help someone and what an easy and non-threatening way to approach someone with love and grace and maybe, just maybe start a conversation about this place we call White Rock UMC or more importantly this man we call Jesus.

We hope you will join us in this life-saving ministry.  Our goal is to keep the water flowing.  The first batch is paid for and ready to go.  Our cost is 33 cents per bottle.  If you can help with a donation of an equal or greater amount we will be able to replenish our stock.  More details this Sunday, October 8th at the 10:50 a.m. service. Or you can call me directly at 214-632-0158 or email me at

Jesus said, “I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink.“
Matthew 25:35

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