The First Six Weeks...


By Rev. Kerry Smith
This week, a wise man asked me what the most important thing is for me at White rock. My response is to develop relationships with people and hear their stories about how God has been moving in their lives. It has been my joy to do this by visiting our homebound members, bringing them communion, and hearing them pray for their church. It has been my joy to do this through learning about the ministry of Owenwood and volunteering at the food and diaper drive on the last Saturday of the month from 8:30 to 11:30 AM, when I witnessed all the lives being transformed.

The next most important thing to me is
the children and youth at White Rock.

Growing up, the church was a refuge for me, and it was a place where I enjoyed going and felt loved, accepted, and called. I want the youth and children at White Rock to know that they can come to White Rock and learn about a God who loves them and challenges them to make this world better. I look forward to seeing you this Sunday as we celebrate going Back to School and start amazing classes of learning and connection for all ages at 9:30. We will gather in the sanctuary entrance area at 10:30 for doughnuts and coffee. I also want to invite you if you would like to receive my sermons by email; fill out the form below, and we will email you Sunday afternoons!
I am blessed to be your pastor.
God‘s blessings, Kerry


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