Advent Joy

Advent Joy
by Rev. Kerry Smith

Joy is power. Joy is resistance to the darkness. Joy is the fuel that sustains us for the times of grief and longing. Joy is everything.

The third Sunday in Advent is halfway through a six week journey as we prepare for Christmas. The third Sunday in Advent is Gaudete Sunday which comes from the Latin word meaning rejoice, or joy.

Paul in Philippians 4:4 tells us “Rejoice in the Lord always and again I say rejoice.” We can be joyful even when we feel sad or disconnected because the joy of the Lord is our strength.

I learned an exercise at our Leadership Team meeting this past Sunday. As you think about your tasks in a day, what do you want to stop?  What do you want to start? What do you want to continue? Stop, start, continue. Joy ties into this as you think about what brings you joy in your daily tasks.

There is so much beauty in our world. My hope and prayer is that we will see joy all around us and that the joy in our lives will grow and grow.

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