Here at White Rock UMC, we begin each worship service with the words, “You are welcome here. You are loved, accepted, and called.” And we truly mean that. Every Sunday we gather to worship God, to hear the Gospel proclaimed, to sing and pray our faith into being, to share in Holy Communion and celebrate baptisms, and to experience deep community. We do all these things seeking not our own agendas but God’s transformation. That means that we’re not focused on whether you’re dressed casual or dressy, but on how God is at work in your life.
Children of God of all ages are welcome in our worship space, from leading the Statement of Faith and reading scripture, to experiencing creative StoryTime conversations, to dancing in the aisles and playing egg shakers during the hymns. We have a trained nursery staff available for infants through 3 years old, and our Children’s Church time is a space for young friends age 4 through 3rd grade to experience song, scripture, and reflection in ways that are engaging for them during the big church sermon. Plus, our Fidget Center is full of crayons, paper, fidget toys, and other fun stuff for them (or you!) to use during worship whenever the mood strikes!
You are welcome here. You are loved, accepted, and called. Come join us.
Children of God of all ages are welcome in our worship space, from leading the Statement of Faith and reading scripture, to experiencing creative StoryTime conversations, to dancing in the aisles and playing egg shakers during the hymns. We have a trained nursery staff available for infants through 3 years old, and our Children’s Church time is a space for young friends age 4 through 3rd grade to experience song, scripture, and reflection in ways that are engaging for them during the big church sermon. Plus, our Fidget Center is full of crayons, paper, fidget toys, and other fun stuff for them (or you!) to use during worship whenever the mood strikes!
You are welcome here. You are loved, accepted, and called. Come join us.
When We Meet
Sunday Mornings
9:30 Sunday School
10:50 am Worship
10:50 am Worship
What To Expect
A typical service will last about 60 minutes. We sing a good mix of contemporary and traditional music led by our chancel choir and folk band. You and your children are welcome in our space! We have a trained nursery staff dedicated to caring for infants through 3-year-olds during Sunday School, Worship, and other events and classes. Our Nursery is located on our main floor, just down the hall from the Sanctuary and Children and Youth Sunday School classes are upstairs in the Small Groups Hallway. We are excited about you joining us and look forward to chatting with you soon.